Castles and castlecity in Greece and elsewhere

Published: Jun 9, 2016
research work teamwork project environmental education
Μαγδαληνή Καραπαναγιώτου
Φυλακτή Μάμαλη
Δέσποινα Κοτσιδονιώτη
Ευανθία Σουλτάνη
Σπύρος Θ. Σιάκας
During the school year 2012–2013 at the 3rd Primary School of Agios Dimitrios, Attica, Greece, the students of two classes of the sixth grade, implemented –as part of the environmental education- a plan of work which explored the existence and benefits of castles in Greece and Europe. The program lasted 5 months and caused debate, search and research process. Students worked in groups and using active educational techniques, explored the topic chosen, exchanged views as well as conducted effective dialogue, and under the guidance, support and encouragement of their teachers they have successfully completed their research work with positive results. The successful completion of the program created a debate about the importance of implementing such programs in school, their pedagogical role and their importance in the modern educational reality.
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