The School Lab project: Communicating Science

Published: Jun 9, 2016
School Lab Science video collaborative environments communication mentoring i-create active learning
Σοφία Παπαδημητρίου
Αναστασία Ανδρίτσου
Θοδωρής Αναγνωστόπουλος
Μπέττυ Τσακαρέστου
Άννα Χριστοδούλου
School Lab is an innovative online platform at the URL, for the creation and exchange of scientific ideas, aimed to support students better understand the exciting challenges faced by scientists and researchers. In particular, School Lab aims at helping students to comprehend Science’s fascinating challenges; develop a critical and thought-provoking mindset through innovative and creative activities; enhance self-confidence and gain presentation skills so they can share their ideas to a wide audience and value upcoming scientists as role models. Students picked a scientific subject that they thought attractive, researched about it, and found an interesting way to present it as a short video. A group of talented young scientists (mentors), motivated, guided and supported students developing their skills and videos, as well. Interactions between groups of students and their mentors happened through School Lab environment, therefore it served an alternative online meeting place familiarising students to scientific research methods. Developing video in classroom motivates students and cultivates their digital skills. Engaging students in authentic meaningful activities enhances their active participation and enables deeper comprehension and retention of knowledge. In addition, using video to support teaching and learning practices on STEM fields brings students closer to scientific research methods in a most attractive way.
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