Connecting generations, connecting civil society in Europe. A Grundtvig learning partnership: The Greek experience

Published: Jun 9, 2016
lifelong learning connecting generations world café active listening conversations living values
Suzanne Antonaros
Gilda Esposito
Evangelia Manousou
Susan Moutsouroufi
Eirini Moutzuris
Anastasia Papaionnou
Theresa Portell
Sofia Tanaini
In 2012, the EU year of active ageing, the EU Lifelong Learning Programme invited civil society associations to take action on active ageing and intergenerational solidarity, from an educational standpoint. Nine associations from eight different countries decided to seize this opportunity and formulated “Connecting Generations”, a two year Grundtvig learning partnership whose objective is to strengthen European learning networks and to contribute to the consolidation of Europe as a knowledge society and as a peaceful and socially cohesive region, while raising awareness and finding appropriate, concrete and measurable tools to meet the challenges of active ageing. In the first year and half of implementation, the partners have met in five countries, mobilizing more than fifty people. Connecting Generations has been locally realized using innovative practices that have enhanced dialogue between generations. Dialogues that have and are currently being interpreted into activities where the elderly actively interact with younger generations and the voices of all are heard through traditions, story telling, song, arts, crafts… Old and young, have enjoyed the pleasure of listening to each other without prejudices, as members of a common human community, a community that has a great responsibility toward future generations.The World Café joins Connecting Generations in connecting values.
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