The implementation of a transformational blended learning model in teaching Scratch in relation to student’s learning styles

Published: Jun 9, 2016
blended learning programming Scratch
Ιωάννης Σαρημπαλίδης
Παναγιώτης Αντωνίου
The current research examines if the implementation of a transformational blended learning model in teaching Scratch to junior high school students leads a) to better learning outcomes and b) to greater student’s participation because of the distance education process in relation to their learning styles. The components of the implemented model were divided into ten subjects: discovery learning, game-based learning, authentic learning, collaborative learning, cognitive scaffolding, feedback, evaluation, learning platform and programming environment. The teaching process supported by the learning platform Moodle while in order to extract the results were used: the questionnaire “Index of Learning Styles” (ILS), a questionnaire about the acceptability of blended learning model, the estimated hours of student’s online participation, the individual outcomes of students and the projects. The results showed that the distance participation of the students has a strong positive relationship, statistically significant, with the acceptability of the blended learning model and not related with either students learning styles or their personal outcomes. Also the comparison with previous research showed that there were statistically significant better results either to the projects index of complexity or the number of their structural elements. Therefore concluded that the implementation of the proposed blended learning model can lead to more online participation of students in the course, it is appropriate for all student learning styles and helps in creating better projects.
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