The music and sounds of nature in an interdisciplinary teaching with technological tools

Published: Jun 9, 2016
music natural soundscape technological tools
Ρεβέκκα-Αθηνά Καράμπελα
Music can be a way of creative learning and all round development. This paper presents an educational intervention that took place in the second grade of elementary school in Stamata, Attica, for the postgraduate course "Music as a tool in interdisciplinary education using new technologies" of the interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme "Information Technologies and Communication for Education." The main purpose of the intervention was to bring students in contact with nature sounds, to create their own soundscapes rich in sounds of nature and to create a digital story in which students added sound; narrative, natural sounds and vocals. Students using ICT and with the help of specific software; movie maker, power point, NGA kids JUNGLE interactive, wildmusic soundscapes and audacity tried not only to learn more about nature but also to produce a whole digital storytelling. Thus, sound and music become vaital parts of creative learning.
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