The Semantic Web in learning through Educational Games

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Semantic Web games in education games with semantic content OntoGames
Ζωή-Ειρήνη Πρωτοψάλτη
Recent web advances and progress in technology enhanced pedagogies have outlined the important role of gaming within education. Games are no longer just for fun; they offer potentially powerful learning environments. Today’s students have grown up with computer games. In addition, their constant exposure to the Internet and other digital media has shaped how they receive information and how they learn. There are many attributes of games that make them pedagogically sound learning environments. An increasing number of faculties are using games as enhancements to the traditional learning environment with encouraging results. The advent of Semantic Web, has facilitated the incorporation of gaming within educational knowledge bases. Games with semantic content can be divided into two categories. The first category concerns the games beyond the educational nature aimed at mobilizing users to create ontologies in a pleasant environment, such as OntoGames. The second category concerns those games that use Semantic Web technologies and have as their object the education and the knowledge production, as is the Semantic e-learning Game. This article presents the contribution to the Semantic Web in education, mainly in relation to educational games through the presentation of a set of materialized educational applications with semantic content.
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