Labankido©: a technological application for the distance learning of Greek traditional dance

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Multimedia teaching methods distance education Greek traditional dance
Ασπασία Δανιά
Μαρία Κουτσούμπα
Βασιλική Τυροβολά
The use of multimedia applications in distance polymorphic education is nowadays one of the most flexible forms of teaching, also in the case of dance teaching. According to multimedia learning theories, any innovation in the design of distance education multimedia, in order to be effective, must focus on the creation of teaching media for the simultaneous activation of the visual and verbal system of receiving and processing incoming information. The aim of the present study is to present a new multimedia application: Labankido©, designed specifically for the teaching of Greek traditional dance to novice dancers. Labankido© is an educational teaching aid based on the software of Power Point 2007. Its main innovation is the use of Laban notation symbols (Labanotation symbols) within e-activities for the representation of dance structure. The design of Labankido© is based on the principles of the theory of multimedia learning. According to this theory, symbolic representations can yield deductively and photographically the key components of the structure of concepts, objects or actions, and the relations between them. The integration of Labankido© in distance education projects qualifies for the upgrading of Greek traditional dance teaching. Its use in combination with the teacher’s standard performance is expected to promote dance learning from the level of habitual reactions to the level of conscious motor patterns of skilful performance
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