The Experiment of the Training of Tutor-Counselors in Hellenic Open University: Developing Best Practices and Creating a Spirit of Common Culture in Distance and Adult Education

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Tutor-counselor staff development training design collaborative environments
Σοφία Παπαδημητρίου
Αντώνης Λιοναράκης
Αλέξης Κόκκος
Courses and programs being delivered at a distance require a unique set of professional competences. Tutors in distance learning have a complicated and different role than them in a conventional educational system. Τhe case study figures out this role in Hellenic Open University, the educational needs and expectations from tutors training and records best practices developed and implemented on face-to-face live sessions and the evaluation of assignments. Furthermore this article presents tutors’ proposals aimed at creating a spirit of common culture in Hellenic Open University.
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