Creative learning through visual storytelling. The parallel courses of thought and art through a web-based narration

Published: Nov 1, 2015
visual storytelling online learning art and design adult learning visual communication creativity visual thinking transformative theory multiple intelligences educational design
Ευαγγελία Κυριτσοπούλου
The paper focuses on the attempt to visualize broad, complicated subjects and concepts of various disciplines, using art and design. Through the example of a webbased narration, about ‘The Parallel Courses of Thought and Art’, from the ancient world to the 19th century, will be explored the potential of an informal, open learning approach. The point of this narration is the development of a digital collage with a function of a reflective encyclopaedia.  On the basic structure, the narrative is divided into three individual periods, which are expressed visually by three environments with different aesthetic and visual characteristics:  1. The era of Nature,  2. The era of God, and   3. The era of Human. For the creation of the storytelling are being included specific graphic- and webdesign programmes that allow unlimited horizontal and vertical scroll and a multilayered narration. The component elements (photos, sketches, collages, computer graphics, videos, audio etc.) have been edited with creative computer programmes. The theoretical basis derives mainly from Mezirow’s ‘Transformation Theory’, Arnheim’s ‘Visual Thinking’ and Gardner’s ‘Multiple Intelligences’. The narrative has no end and continues to develope as an interdisciplinary project subjected to continuous editing.
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