Students support in ODL through two-way communication with the tutor

Published: Jun 9, 2016
support communication tutor’s characteristics
Φωτεινή Κωνσταντοπούλου
Παναγιώτης Αντωνίου
Εμμανουήλ Αποστολάκης
Αντώνης Λιοναράκης
The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is based on the support provided by an educational institution to students. In the Hellenic Open University (HOU), the dominant role in the educational process is played by the tutor (teacher-adviser), who is responsible to facilitate, support and encourage the learning process of students, by providing guidance, inciting, evaluating, advising and encouraging them. This complex role is carried out through two-way communication with students, which is an inherent component of the definition of distance learning. The adequacy of the role of tutors is based on their characteristics, personality, attitudes, knowledge and skills. The purpose of this paper was, by using the findings of 22 empirical studies, to describe what is happening in the HOU giving the overall picture of the situation in relation to the type of support students need to receive from their tutors. According to the study conclusions - that accruing from text analysis and data coding -, we highlight the importance of direct, face to face communication in ODL, the students’ need primarily for an academic type support by the tutor, especially in relation to the preparation of papers, and we determine a set of characteristics required for a tutor, in order to meet the student needs in support of their study programme.
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