Distance in-service training on teaching astronomy to young children: the case of HLEMA

Published: Nov 1, 2015
Distance learning Learning Management System Astronomy Early childhood education Teachers
Μιχαήλ Καλογιαννάκης
Μαρία Αμπαρτζάκη
Nowadays, the demand for life-long and distance learning is crucial. A significant number of distance learning courses focuses on content presentation, providing little opportunity for interaction and active learning. However, the multiple applications of distance learning, the variety of choice it offers in presenting and communicating information create an environment of multimodality. This paper presents the design and development of Moodle Learning Management System for teaching astronomy to teachers who would like to introduce young children to the science of celestial bodies. Although young children show a great interest and genuine curiosity about phenomena of the macrocosm, their teachers frequently feel unable to respond and organise appropriate learning activities due to their limited subject and pedagogical content knowledge. Science’s impact on our life is crucial, as it affects our perception about the world and the way we interact with nature. The teaching material in Moodle is based on a variety of semiotic tools such as text, picture, sound, video, and simulations. We present the implementation of a distant learning methodology for astronomy topics based on the development of a conceptual approach using advanced features of the Web 2.0 services.
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