Tutorials about pedagogic principles for print and digital distance learning materials: A developmental activity of e-CoMeT Laboratory of the Hellenic Open University

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Tutorials pedagogic principles print and digital distance learning materials e-CoMeT Laboratory of Hellenic Open University
Αχιλλέας Καμέας
Αδαμαντία Σπανακά
Χρήστος Πιερρακέας
In the Hellenic Open University, Educational Content Methodology and Technology Laboratory (e-CoMeT Lab, http://eeyem.eap.gr) among other tasks, developes methodologies for distance learning. In this context, e-CoMeT has developed a series of Tutorials or Toolkits about pedagogic principles for print and digital distance learning materials. These Tutorials outline a range of general techniques, activities and more specific ideas in order to offer a framework of guidelines to designers, creators and producers of distance learning material.
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