Learning in groups and the development of learning communities in distance education

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Distance education Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) learning in groups learning communities community of inquiry
Φώτης Ζυγούρης
Ηλίας Μαυροειδής
Communication plays a crucial role in distance education, mainly due to the distance between the tutor and the students, as well as between the students themselves. Developing appropriate learning methods and techniques, especially through learning groups and learning communities, can effectively assist the educational process. Learning in groups assist learners to become actively involved, to communicate and to be mutually supportive, resulting to the development of a “team spirit” and increased creativeness. On the same time, learning communities assist in building social capital, by promoting the interaction and the sense of trust between their members. An important role in the development of learning communities is played by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which provide a new context in the implementation of distance education, leading to the development of new theoretical approaches such as the Community of Inquiry. The role of the tutor in distance education is especially important in relation to communication, support and the activation of learners, as well as for the development of collaborative learning. On the same time, tutors should have the appropriate skills regarding ICT and the ability to effectively use them in the educational process.
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