Hellenic Open University 1992-2000: From Planning to implementation

Αγγελική Κωστοπούλου

The establishment of the Hellenic Open University is the beginning of the systematic implementation of the Open and Distant Education in Greece.
The attempt to establish the Hellenic Open University was a long lasting one. It took eight years, from 1992 when its establishment was voted and became law (Law 2083/1992) till 2000 when the Hellenic Open University opened its gates to the first 5.000 students, with an immediate stage the issue of law 2552/1997 that regulates the operation of the university.
The target of this article is to present the historical framework and the conditions through which the process of establishment and development of Hellenic Open University took place.
We believe that the investigation and presentation of the hidden sides of the short history of the university, with the help of qualitative research methodology and interviews, is a precondition to understand completely the institution of the Open and Distant Education in Greece and the future orientation of its official authority that is the Hellenic Open University.

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