Online Distance Learning and Music Training: Benefits, drawbacks and challenges

Published: Jun 9, 2016
online distance learning music training teacher-learner interaction
Theano Koutsoupidou
Online music courses develop rapidly in the higher education scene with technology and internet supplementing face-to-face learning. There are currently a number of online, distance learning undergraduate and master degrees offered worldwide and many universities also offer online opportunities for continuing professional development. Individual online lessons are another option of music training in real time communication. This paper examines online distance learning as applied in music and music education programmes of different educational levels from the teachers’ (e.g. instructors’, tutors’, lectures’) perspective. It aims to provide an up-to-date and representative view of the different online courses on offer via distance learning today focusing on potential benefits and drawbacks of online distance learning based on opinions and experiences of teachers involved in such courses. The study consisted of two phases, a self-completion questionnaire survey and individual interviews with selected cases. The present paper reports on the findings of the qualitative data analysis. Analysis demonstrated that there are different routes for an adult to be involved in online music training and hence, there are different requirements as for the nature of online communication and interaction between the teacher and the learner. For courses based on practice and performance, practical issues may occur, such as poor-quality audio and time delay. Online learning has strong potential to suit a larger proportion of the population, offering flexibility and internationality. Moreover, it offers convenience to the teachers in terms of practicalities such as time, transportation and payment. The paper sets some challenges for education specialists and for information and communication technology (ICT). In the years to follow online technological progress for online instruction might include higher internet speed connections -and therefore higher accuracy in lessons that require musical performance- as well as virtual environments that will diminish the socio-psychological gaps that distance learning may cause. More educational initiatives are also required for the promotion of online distance learning in music.
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