Developing the supporting environment of tutor-counselors in “Geography, Human Geography and Material Culture in Europe” course at the Hellenic Open University

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Tutor-counselor staff development collaborative learning environments Open Educational Resources Professional Learning Networks
Σοφία Παπαδημητρίου
Αντώνης Λιοναράκης
Κώστας Θεολόγου
Λίλα Λεοντίδου
Courses and programs being delivered at a distance require a unique set of professional competences. Tutors in distance learning have a complicated and different role than those in a conventional educational system. Τhis paper primarily aims to present the study which was conducted in 2012 during the course “Geography, Human Geography and Material Culture of Europe” of European Culture Program at the Hellenic Open University. It regards an action research exploring original difficulties of the course and developing new knowledge. In this context a supporting mechanism for tutor-counselors was developed using best practices in staff development and collaborative learning environments. The paper focuses on the design, development, and pilot implementation of the supporting mechanism. Using advanced learning technologies we emphasize in Communities of Practice, Social and Professional Learning Networks and Open Educational Resources, as well. Basic components of the supporting mechanism are three repositories: the first one includes teaching scenarios aiming to enhance active and collaborative learning; the second one contains the enrichment of the teaching material and the third one provides the best practices in social and professional learning networks.
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