How open can be the Open Educational Resources (OER)? Αpplication and Utilization Paradigms

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Open Educational Resources (OER) Intellectual Property Hellenic Open University
Αδαμαντία Σπανακά
Αχιλλέας Καμέας
Open Educational Resources (OER) offer real opportunities for improving development, access and transfer of knowledge and information to a wide range of users. Einsteins’ quote «If I give you a penny, you will be one penny richer and I'll be one penny poorer. But if I give you an idea, you will have a new idea, but I shall still have it, too” represents accurate the field of OER, where materials offered freely an openly for educators, students and self-learners to use and re-use them. The following paper maps OER, presents global best practices and discusses the future prospects of the Hellenic Open University in Greece, in order to get all the benefits from this new and interesting aspect.
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