Graduation by partial recognition


Classical distant learning education offers a scheduled program for obtaining a bachelor. The standard student has some problems that make him impossible to follow a face-to-face teaching. Distance learning is though as substitute for the usual high education process. More and more people are not in this position, for them distance learning is not an alternative but the solution. They cannot or they want not to be involved as regular student because their aim are not the same as others students. In the last decade, the large expand of credits system and the deploying of the possibilities obtaining part of the credits by recognition of former studies or professional skills modify the settings of how organising our distant learning offer. This diversification leads us to offer new degree courses to these new publics. We shall notice another, less common, demands for just various amount of credits just for improving knowledge without aiming for a degree.

Responding to these new requests, we propose two devices a collective one by the way of an agreement with universities in a foreign country (just now outside European Union) and an individual one using the possibilities open by French laws as we will explain.

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