E-learning: The key to open the Learning Doors in European Prisons

Evangelia MANOUSOU

ELBEP (Eliminating Barriers in European Prisons) aims to promote intercultural dialogue and meet the communication needs of prison staff members in the EU countries, regarding many foreign prisoners they encounter in their work environment. Operational definition of “Foreign Prisoners” within the scope of ELBEP covers prisoners who are sentenced and also imprisoned detainees in the trial process. Furthermore, the project is designed to meet the criteria for the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) A1 level in order to develop products that can be certified and accredited in many European countries. ELBEP focuses on Russian, Polish, Spanish, Greek and Turkish language needs of the EU prison staffs, since foreign prisoners speaking these native languages compose important percentages in European prisons. Overall, the expected impact of teaching beginner’s level second languages to European prison staffs, via flexible Open and Distance Learning (ODL) environments, proposes an alternative to solve the communication problems. Concentrating on this objective, ELBEP shall promote intercultural understanding, tolerance for diversity and lead to a suitable environment where rehabilitation and adult education of prisoners are achievable.

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