An Exploratory Model for Educational Quality Assurance: The Case of Korea National Open University


This paper suggests an exploratory model for the educational quality assurance at Korea National Open University (KNOU). Quality is one of the key issues in current educational debates. We have to distinguish the 'management-oriented approach' the ‘education-oriented approach,’ which is concerned with educationally important questions such as 'What is education?' and "What is the quality of education?' Thus, within this management-oriented approach, the educational process tends to remain as a black box, economic effectiveness being pursued. This paper tries to construct a so-called 'education-oriented approach', in conjunction with the management-oriented approach. This education-oriented approach focuses on the process of teaching and learning itself. According to education-oriented approach, if teachers and learners are committed to teaching and learning voluntarily and with pleasure and passion, the criteria for quality of education are satisfied.

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