A case study of the use of the L.M.S. Open E-Class for the delivery of electronic courses by academic departments of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Αλιβίζος ΣΟΦΟΣ
Βασίλειος ΠΑΡΑΣΧΟΥ

The present paper is a case study of the use of the learning management system Open E-class, by several academic departments of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, for the realization of electronic courses in the platform of online   asynchronous education of the university, called “η-Τάξη”. For the conduction of the study 367 online courses from 15 academic departments were reviewed, aiming to describe the way those courses are realized and to identify the characteristics of the learning management system of the university. The results of the study demonstrate that there is a very limited use of the advanced features of E-Class in the design of the courses, in the majority of courses under review and by all  academic departments. The findings of the study about the online courses, seem to be in accordance with the theoretical approach proposed by Siller (2007), that the implementation of online courses aims to theenrichment of the face to face instruction. As a result all academic departments score low in the evaluation form used for the collection of the data, indicating that the primary use of the courses in the L.M.S. is to serve as a file repository.

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