ICT and Distance Education in the department of Lifelong Learning. Access to knowledge or a new digital dualism?

Published: Jun 9, 2016
distance education ICT Lifelong Learning digital dualism

This study is an attempt to provide ICT and Distance Education through Internet as a modern and attractive educational tool that can improve the effectiveness of learning and teaching in the Lifelong Learning, supplementaly or as a basic educational resource and an adults integrating channel in new social and labor data.

In our days, through the continuous and fast changes in social and employment field, the lasting renewal and enrichment of knowledge and skills, describe the Lifelong Learning as a necessary condition for harmonic and creative adults orientation to «new developments». Distance education with the use of ICT accomplishes Lifelong Learning goals supporting the trainees passing from the Information Society to Knowledge Society.

However, despite the fact that the Lifelong Learning is recognized at Greek and European level as one of the most important needs and priorities, virtually, the Lifelong Learning does not have the place that deserves. Why does this happen? Which are the factors that complicate the approach to knowledge through Lifelong Learning; Could Distance education using ICT offer the opportunity for access to knowledge, or it will create a new digital dualism; Which are the ways to avoid digital dualism;

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