Η πρακτική εξάσκηση των αγγλικών με τη βοήθεια του Δια δικτύου

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Αδελφοποίηση τάξεων σύγχρονη ασύγχρονη επικοινωνία
Αναστασία ΤΑΚΑ
Χρυσάνθη ΚΟΖΑ

With this project we want to present the work of students of 1st Municipal School of Archangelos, based on a form of free education in which the students communicate with students of other countries, with e-Twinning so that they develop fluency in the English language. Etwinning aims at the interconnection of schools of Europe and constitutes since September 2004 one of the actions of program of eLearning European Committee. Via eTwinning, public schools of European Union but also Norway, Iceland, Bulgaria and Romania, they will recently be supported in the “twinning of” schools via Internet.


With the use of modern term “twinning of orders” we were reported in conditions (via) - connection between orders geographically removed aiming at the exchange of information, the creation of common work and the [synergatiki] learning. Via this networking it has become in national or international level, for one or for more courses or for activities beyond the analytic program. The finding and exchange of information, the joint work and the [synergatiki] learning give us also the breadth of educational activities that we can organise via the electronic interconnection of school orders.

One of the objectives of education of this type, is that it provides possibility of access in the all levels of education in individuals that cannot with other ways participate in them, because the geographic place that lives or because certain special personal problems.

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Αναστασία ΤΑΚΑ, Τ.Ε.Π.Α.Ε.Σ. Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου