HISTORY IN GREEK WEB “bumbles in boiling water”

Γεώργιος ΖΑΧΟΣ

The first decade of the 21st century is characterized by the intrusion of Internet in Historical Science. This intrusion is being taken place in Greece in a period that a History-boom in the Media (historical editions ordered by newspapers, Olympic Games histories in view of Athens 2004 organization, TV criticisms in History School Books, bingo-debates for the most popular historical personality) (Λιάκος 2007: 14ff) coexists with a decline of the Historical Science in public education (Λιάτσου 7/6/2009). The following survey of the history web pages is motivated by the private character of this intrusion, the absence of scientific dialogue on the role of the mean in the Historical Discipline as well as the continuous promotion of the so called Cultural Heritage. The rapid emergence, “like bumbles in boiling water” of history web pages, the technophobia that is hidden behind the pre-web, pre-digital forms of the official state pages and at the same time the inability of the academic historians, who are keen to the scarcity of information, to handle with the mass of evidence by-product in the Web, consist an interesting case study, which however extends beyond the scope of this paper.       

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