Τεχνολογικές Υποδομές για το e-learning

Σαράντος ΨΥΧΑΡΗΣ
Γεράσιμος ΚΕΚΚΕΡΗΣ
In technological era knowledge transmission no longer can be restricted from barriers as distance or time. During the educational institutes efforts to benefit from technological means for their mission succesful completion, a novel and dynamic technology has been invented: elearning technology. It’s aim is, initially, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and, later on, internet utilization for the provided education quality improvement by using the digital tecnologies capabilities and, also, the time and space access expansion to a larger number of potential students.The transmission of an educative institute from the traditional face to face learning activities to the elearning equivalent, apart of very carefully design also demands personnel, materials and procedures.

In the current article we’ll be extended referred to factors affecting the three above-mentioned areas hoping that it will become a useful handbook to each educative institute wishing to do the next step and to use elearning with clear, quality educative targets.  

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