The four seasons: Teaching scenario for pupils of the 1st Grade of primary school in distance education

Μαρία Χρήστου

This text presents a teaching scenario for primary school pupils of the 1st Grade in the context of distance education, regarding the creative and critical approach of the four seasons, initiated by chapter 4 of the section "Man and time" of the Environmental Study of 1st Grade.  The pupils create wordclouds with the characteristics of the four seasons, identify similarities and differences in the works of art of Giannis Tsarouchis "The four seasons" (1969) and Paul Cezanne "Les quatre saisons" (1860), express their opinions on the work of Antonio Vivaldi "Le quattro stagioni" (1716-1717), paint their favorite season and talk about it. Furthermore, the pupils, based on their personal experiences and watching a specific film clip from the movie “The Lorax” (Chris Renaud, 2012), approach critically the effects that specific human activities have on the alternation of the seasons nowadays. The utilization of the works of art and of the tools of Information and Communication Technologies, contribute to the enrichment of knowledge and to the development of creativity and critical reflection of the pupils regarding the issues related to the alternation of the four seasons. Throughout the text, a gender is used, for the sake of economy of speech, without referring to any discrimination based on gender.

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  • Editorial
Βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές
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Διαδικτυακές βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές
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