When self knowledge meets digital learning: 50 plus women “speak” about sexuality

Published: Feb 10, 2020
digital storytellins self expression lifelong learning
Εφη Γιαννου
Εβικα Καραμαγκιωλη
Γιοβαννα Λοξα
Μιχαλης Μειμαρης

Digital Storytelling as an educational methodology and instructional technology, offers a combination of technical and non-technical skills that are at the heart of the lifelong learning concept and the much needed 21st century digital skills. Additionally, it can be considered as a mean that potentially can empower sensitive social groups like middle age women to express themselves. On the one hand designing and communicating information via storytelling requires participants to deepen their understanding of content while increasing visual, sound, oral language, creativity, and thinking skills.  On the other hand, designing and communicating information via storytelling empowers the self expression and strengthens civic skills and relevant behavioral patterns.  In the case presented women of 50 plus create digital stories (that will be showcased) using multi modal communication ( narration, text, photos, video, music etc) trying to discuss and figure out the role and importance of sexuality in their lives. The digital storytelling methodology allowed them to express themselves about “sensitive personal matters” they experienced, to break through some of the self-inflicted isolation associated with them and thus increased their self-confidence and the connection between each other in an effective and meaningful way on topics as motherhood, marriage, illness, partners, loneliness, sexuality.

Note: During the presentation of the case , indicative stories produced will be viewed so as to discuss in open air their educational value in terms of lifelong learning.

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  • Editorial
Author Biographies
Εβικα Καραμαγκιωλη, ΕΚΠΑ
Τμημα Επικοινωνιας και ΜΜΕ
Μιχαλης Μειμαρης, ΕΚΠΑ

Τμημα επικοινωνιας και ΜΜΕ

Ομοτιμος Καθηγητης

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