The semiotics of image in Art and Education

Published: Dec 21, 2017
Art Semiotics Narrative Distance Education processes of education and learning Hellenic Open University image dimension learning object multifunctional didactic material audiovisual material virtual information multifunctional education.
In the last years, the Internet has vastly enhanced our ability to display images to each other, and we can now think of ourselves not just as viewers and consumers of images but as makers and users of them ourselves. The present study focuses in seeking the linguistic structures of the image, which as a vehicle of expression and communication assumes the role of narrator. The aim of the study is the investigation of the parameters that contribute to the formation of these linguistic structures, which in their turn, on a narrative level, indicate the ways in which the individual elements that compose each image are set up. On the level of identifying and understanding these structures, this study proceeds in two stages. First, on a theoretical level, the parameters that reveal the specific characteristics of the image as a conveyor of information are recorded. The analysis sets out with the juxtaposition of the formulated linguistic elements of the image as visual codes that, in conjunction with the meanings that emanate from them, have developed through the course of time. In the second stage, this study will focus on a set of specifically selected examples. During the analysis of the structures and individual narrative elements, it will be attempted to correlate whatever diversifications have arisen in the evolutionary progress of the image towards its narrative content. Via a logical sequence, elements such as representation, symbolism and abstract notions, are analyzed in conjunction with particularities that stem from other fields, such as, for example, those of Optical Perception and Communication. Last, focusing on an analytical level, the comparison of examples from the domain of Painting, with its expressive manifestations, as well as the examination of illustrative approaches from the domain of Applied Arts will be attempted. Among others, the interrelations between the various approaches as narrative models on an autonomous as well as on a mutual level, in the degree that these can be discerned, will be sought and recorded. The aim is to give even greater emphasis on the possibilities that the image presents on a narrative level and the investigation of the interactions that exist despite the apparent self sufficiency of each approach. Approaches that through the process of formulating the structures of the image and the idioms that characterize it are the direct product of the human imagination, which in its capacity as a «common language» knows no boundaries and always finds ways to communicate through its inherent narrative predisposition.
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Author Biography

Δρ Στέλλα Μουζακιώτου

Ιστορικός Τέχνης


Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο

& Τ.Ε.Ι. Αθήνας

Επιμελήτρια Εκθέσεων

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