Distance Learning Theatre Studies: limitations and perspectives in the emerging era of mixed reality

Published: Dec 21, 2017
theatre performance distance learning networked performance internet relay chat MMORPGs MMOGs MMOs Virtual Worlds Mixed Reality Technologies
Ελένη Γεώργιος Τιμπλαλέξη

Distance learning is by nature a paradigm of mixed reality, as it encompasses procedures and outcomes emerging both in the physical as well as the digital world. Despite the mixed reality shift in human experience and culture, distance learning, especially in the case of theatre or performance studies, does not embrace wholeheartedly digital or mixed reality methods of performing for teaching and evaluation. What could be a celebration of the inherent mixed reality nature of distance learning in theatre studies, does not reach its full potential.

In this paper, a discussion of some indicative mixed reality methods of performing is attempted in order to suggest a basic corpus of practices that could be used effectively in theatre studies distance teaching, learning and evaluation. These methods are interactive, maximize participation, are cheap, may create unique conceptual and aesthetic backgrounds for productions and have a low risk. Furthermore, some of the ideological obstacles that may hinder the use of such methods are addressed. With the theatre and technology correlations being rephrased at the current state, distance learning programmes for theatre studies could turn out to be an excellent terrain for the implementation of innovative and cutting edge artistic expression modes and practices.

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Ελένη Γεώργιος Τιμπλαλέξη, ΕΚΠΑ ΑΠΚΥ

Τμήμα Θεατρικών Σπουδών, μεταδιδακτορική ερευνήτρια

Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα "Θεατρικές Σπουδές"

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