Barriers and teaching/learning benefits of the adoption/use of Open Educational Resources: a quantitative research with faculty staff – participants in the Project “Hellenic Academic E-textbooks / Kallipos”

Published: Dec 21, 2017
Open Educational Resources (OER) Higher Education faculty adoption/use barriers teaching/learning benefits
Σταματίνα K. Κουτσιλέου
Νικόλαος M. Μήτρου

Open Educational Resources (OER) are innovative technological applications for teaching and learning that have been used, worldwide, in the fields of Open and Distance Education, Adult Education/Lifelong Learning etc.; currently, they have also been used as in Projects implemented within the Hellenic Higher Education. The purpose of this study is to explore the beliefs of faculty that have participated in the Project “Hellenic Academic Electronic Textbooks/Kallipos” ( on barriers and teaching/learning benefits of OER adoption/use while teaching in the “classroom”. The research was conducted using an electronic survey questionnaire. From the analysis of one hundred (100) answers given by the faculty of the researched sample an attempt was made for the following research questions to be answered: a. (How much) do the faculty of the researched sample (dis)agree with the barriers (examined)? b. To what extent do they believe that the teaching benefits (examined) result from OER adoption/use? c. How often do they believe that the learning benefits (examined) result from OER adoption/use? Generally, the survey results reveal positive perceptions of the researched sample’s faculty about OER adoption/use· this means that the results are consistent with the data findings from the international literature review, according to which, the faculty that are familiar with the OER, such as the subjects of this survey – participants of the Project “Kallipos”, are in favor of the OER. In particular, as regards the examined barriers of OER adoption/use, the non-supportive institutional policy is considered as the major obstacle, a finding that is justified by the peculiarities of the Hellenic Higher Education. Finally, regarding the teaching and learning effectiveness of OER adoption/use, the majority of the faculty conclude positively on the examined teaching and learning benefits, most of all on the variety of the applied teaching and learning methods and on the students’ satisfaction from their learning experience.


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Author Biographies
Σταματίνα K. Κουτσιλέου, Hellenic Open University
Philologist, Postgraduate student, Education Science
Νικόλαος M. Μήτρου, National Technical University of Athens
Professor, ECE NTUA
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