3d design and animation. Traditional Stop Motion Animation and 3d computer animation in Blender 3d

Published: Dec 21, 2017
Blender 3d 3d Animation 3d Design
Σπύρος Σιάκας
Digital technology has contributed to the development of traditional stop motion animation techniques and their composition in new forms of animation process. In addition, in the digital age, animation films which has been created directly to the computer through three-dimensional (3D) softwares consist a separate animation category. However, although there is a clear distinction between traditional and computergenerated 3d techniques of animation, the 3D animation softwares and procedures have been based on the philosophy of traditional animation. In this paper an interpretation of 3D design tools and procedures of animation which is based on corresponding procedures and tools in traditional stop motion animation techniques is presented. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of three-dimensional computer design options is become through relevant traditional stop motion animation examples and needs. The software which is chosen for the above analysis is Blender 3d, an open source and free software with great professional features.
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