Development of strategic action plans, by school leadership, for the inclusion of refugee children in Greek schools

Published: Dec 21, 2017
multicultural education strategic action plans refugee problem
Αργυρώ Διονύσιος Ρέντζη
Education is going through a period of unprecedented demographic, cultural, socioeconomic changes, which require their direct and organized management by the educational system. The mass influx of migrants and refugees has determined and shaped the contemporary Greek reality, which is made up of groups with particular national, religious and cultural characteristics. Now, the educational system is called to find effective ways to include and co-educate refugees, implying the need for multicultural environment and teaching in classrooms. For this reason, it is imperative for the school leadership to develop strategic action plans. The strategic plan is a natural document for an organization, which incorporates its orientation and mission within a local and national perspective of development. This paper presents this subject by referring to the specific features of strategic planning through a theoretical approach. In addition, it presents multicultural education in Greece in connection with the refugee problem, while quoting concrete strategic action plans in order to face this problem successfully. In the end, this study reveals the need for upgrading and autonomy of schools in order to face socio-economic and multicultural challenges of the 21st century, such as the constant flow of migrants and refugees.
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Author Biography
Αργυρώ Διονύσιος Ρέντζη, Ινστιτούτο Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής

Απόφοιτος ΤΕΑΠΗ Ε.Κ.Π.Α.

Μed Εκπαιδευτικής Ηγεσίας και Πολιτικής Α.Π.ΚΥ.

Αποσπασμένη εκπαιδευτικός στο Ι.Ε.Π.

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