Proposal for a Descriptive Framework Design for a Pre- or Post-Degree Teacher Training Program for the Use of CLIL Technnoques utilizing the Principles of TPACK in a the Framework of the Common Foreign Language Curriculum

Published: Dec 21, 2017
CLIL TPACK use of ICT in education Common Foreign Language Curriculum teacher training module
Δημήτριος Ζέππος

The use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), parallel to the carefully chosen utilization of the principles of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK), which is the pedagogically rational evolution of everyday use of ICT tools in education, still is untrodden grounds for the Greek educational society, even in the era of the 21st Century Skills. This theoretical paper searches for international and Greek reports, scientific analyses and descriptions of concrete educational applications in order to establish the official entry of CLIL techniques in Greek streamline education via specialized teacher training programs in the form of traditional, distance learning or blended training courses for pre- and in-service teachers. Definitions of the terms, descriptions of real-life applications and reports on good practices are inquired in order to transcribe a framework of descriptors and specifications for the creation of learning objects in the form of modules. These can therefrom be used by interested tertiary educational institutions as a framework which can support the conception of such specified training courses. The paper concludes with the synthesis of a framework of descriptors for designing distinct learning outcomes, which is submitted to the scientific society for further discussion.

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Author Biography
Δημήτριος Ζέππος, Hellenic Open University
Ass. Lecturor (Tutor) for the Post-Degree Program "German as a Foreign / International Language"
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