Visualizing History with Primary School students

Published: Dec 21, 2017
history visualizing documentary animation refugee crisis critical thinking multiperspectival approach historical literacy
Χριστίνα Δημήτριος Λούστα
“What are we celebrating on March 25th and what on October 28th?” we hear journalists asking young people in road reports. What’s the reason of the usually faulty answers? Who is ultimately the purpose of teaching history? This article attempts to give answers to these questions by focusing on the expediency of teaching history and on teaching approaches to modern school. The article moves on two basic and interdepended levels. At first, multiperspectival approach supported as the most suitable for creating students who act in inquiry based learning environments and future citizens with developed critical historical thinking, through citizenship; with developed historical literacy. At the same time, on a second level, visualizing of history narrations practice is suggested. Specifically, documentaryanimation edition creation is presented which was implemented from students as part of a refugee crisis educational program. It is clear from this article that this practice offers a series of learning motivations in a larger number of students, in comparison with traditional learning approaches, while at the same time allows the development of critical and analytical thinking skills among multiple and often contradictory sources and offers depth in historical thinking and knowledge.
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