Enhancing Nature of Scientific Knowledge teaching through cooperative experiment conduction in an interactive videoconferencing environment

Published: Dec 21, 2017
nature of scientific knowledge (NOSk) interactive videoconference biology inquiry-based learning cross-school cooperation
Γεώργιος Πέτρος Αρλαπάνος
Γεώργιος Καπόλας
The present teaching practice was designed and implemented during the school year 2016-17 in the context of a cross-school cooperation protocol between two senior high schools, and aimed at teaching specific elements of the Nature of Scientific Knowledge within the Biology class such as empirical evidence, review and criticism, consensus of the scientific community, diversity and changeability of method, creativity, subjectivity and tentativeness. Cooperative experiment conduction in an interactive videoconferencing environment along with shared documents real-time processing was chosen as a teaching method. The project was evaluated at a distance, through the synergistically action of two Biology teachers, working in different Greek prefectures, with two pairs of classes comprised of a total of appr.100 students. The implementation was transacted in two separate couples of teaching hours for each pair of distant classes. The teaching scenario’s scope was to gain students insight the experimental procedure of counting the Reaction Time (RT), in terms of time lapse between an external stimulus (visual, auditory etc) and a conscious body reaction. The cooperative preparation and implementation of the experimental procedure and the dialectic that emerged in real time between distant students-scientists created a condition of true scientific research and interaction. As a result, we believe that the interactive videoconference enhanced the experiential character of the teaching method and consequently highlighted elements of the Nature of Scientific Knowledge. Moreover, benefits were identified as far as pedagogy, socialization and cognition are concerned, while some problems were questioned and suggestions for further improvement were made.
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Author Biographies
Γεώργιος Πέτρος Αρλαπάνος, ΥΠΔΒΜΘ, ΔΙΔΕ Αχαΐας, Πειραματικό ΓΕ.Λ. Πατρών
Γεώργιος Καπόλας
MSc, υποψήφιος διδάκτορας τμήματος Βιολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ
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