Educational Radiotelevision 2.0: Digital Literacy in Audiovisual Media in Internet Learning Environments

Published: Dec 21, 2017
Educational Television streaming media video on demand interaction WebTV cross-media hybrid platforms
Sofia Theodor Papadimitriou
Nowadays we are surrounded by numerous technologies; dominant among them are the Television and the Internet. Their convergence is both a challenge and a promise for education. Using broadband connections, schools take advantage of the audiovisual material in ‘streaming media’ format on demand. The teaching process based on streaming media and ‘virtual learning environments’ will definitely affect the way teachers organize their classes. Students will be engaged in full interactive experiences becoming from passive absorbers of information to active participants. The Educational Radiotelevision has been transformed into a multimedia platform in 2011 dynamically entering in the digital era and connecting with young people and their communities. It is connected with the major social networking sites and offers to groups of students and teachers, the environment and the tools to develop their own digital audiovisual projects. The paper presents the outcomes from the school video competitions organized by the second generation of Educational Radiotelevision (2.0) and also thoughts and proposals for a new role in the environment of challenges emerged by the convergence of television and the internet and also the characteristics of education in 21st century.
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