
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission should not have been previously published, nor submitted to another journal for consideration, nor digitally or analogically published.
  • The paper submission must be in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Papers submitted for review and publication must not contain the authors' details. In the original submission the article must be anonymous.
  • The text must follow the publication template. Please note that it must be 1.5 line spaced, fully justified, use Calibri font size 12, use italicised text where appropriate and not underlined (except for URLs) and all images, graphs and tables must be placed within the text in appropriate places, not at the end of the text. Where necessary, use bold in words and/or sentences.
  • The captions of an image, figures and tables must be in italics, in Calibri font, size 10 and center-aligned.
  • The text should adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements set out in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Papers submitted for review and publication should not contain the authors' details, so that the review is completely anonymous. Authors' details should not be included in the name of the file to be submitted.

In the initial submission of the paper and before it is reviewed, you should NOT write your name(s) or other personal details other than the author details requested by the guidelines. Therefore, the Conference Committee will receive your paper without names. When you initially submit your article, it will automatically be assigned, via the platform, a four-digit code that will characterize / identify it until the completion of the process and will be used in case of resubmission after the review(s). The paper will be sent completely anonymously to two reviewers and returned to the Conference Committee via the platform. It will be returned to you anonymously with the reviewers' comments as many times as necessary. The Editorial Board of the Conference has the right, regardless of the reviewers' comments, to decide whether or not to publish the paper.  When you receive the final response, according to which the paper is ready for publication, then and only then will you send it completed with the name(s) of the authors in the format below.

The final form of the paper for publication must follow the publication template and all of the following guidelines. PLEASE READ ALL GUIDELINES CAREFULLY.

1. Features of papers to be submitted for publication

Title: in Greek and English, Calibri font, size 12 Bold, center-justified. Please note that the title/subtitle should not exceed 18 words. The title and subtitle should have a 1.0 line space.

Abstract: Approximately 200 words (Calibri font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing)

Keywords: Up to 8 (Calibri font, size 12)

Section titles: Optional numbering (Calibri Font, size 12 Bold)

Subsection titles: Optional numbering (Calibri font, size 12 Bold)

Main text: (Calibri font, size 12, fully justified, 1.5 line spacing)

Tables - figures: Embedded in the text flow

Headings, footnotes: Not to be present

Page numbers: 7 to 20

Numbering: Bottom right

References: Listed at the end of the text, not as footnotes (Calibri font, size 10, should be 1.0 spacing). You should follow the APA system guidelines exactly. There should be a small one-line space between each reference.

In-text Citations: APA system

Footnotes: There are no footnotes in articles for publication.


  • In-text citations consist of texts that we have studied and that help with the argumentation/ documentation. They are placed in the flow of the text.
  • References are in correspondence with the In-text Citations and are placed at the end of the text. They only refer to texts that have been utilized in our article, i.e. the In-text Citations.
  • The Bibliography includes supplementary texts that are relevant to the article but have not been used in it. Therefore, they are not included in the Bibliographic References and/or In-text Citations.

2. Submission Procedure

Α. Registration to the Conference

To submit a paper, you must register to the Conference.

If you are not already (a) registered user(s), please complete the registration form by selecting the "registration" field. The following fields of your profile are mandatory:

  1. Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Affiliation 
  4. Country
  5. Email
  6. Username
  7. Password

Before you complete your registration, you must accept our Privacy Policy.

Once you have completed your registration, a confirmation link will be sent to the email address you have provided. Click on the link in order to validate your registration.

The conference page will then reopen with the message that "you can log in to the system with the username and password you have chosen".

On the same page, select the "Home" field and then, in the "Login" field at the top right, enter your details. You can now access the platform.

Β. Submission of a new article

On the Conference home page, select the "Submit a paper" field at the bottom right.

A new page will appear with the Pre-Submission Checklist, Author Guidelines, and the Criteria that the reviewers apply when reviewing papers. You will need to follow all the guidelines precisely and take the criteria into account in order for the reviewing process to begin.

Click on the "Start a new submission" box. On the new submission page, you select the language of your article submission and accept all "Submission Requirements" requested and possible contact if necessary, as well as the copyright statement. You then click on the "Save and Continue" field.

On the next page, upload your article by clicking on the "Upload File" field. After the upload is complete, you click on the "Article Text" field. You can edit or remove your file by clicking on the "Edit" or "Remove" fields. Then, you click on the "Save and Continue" field again.

On the next page you will need to enter the metadata requested. The title and abstract fields are marked with an asterisk and their completion is mandatory. The title is entered in both Greek and English. Enter as much metadata as you can for the visibility of the article online. Click on the "Save and Continue" field to proceed.

On the "Confirmation" page, click on the "Complete Submission" field. In a pop-up window, you will be asked to confirm your submission and you must click "OK" in order for your article to be sent for review.

Your submission is now complete. You will receive a confirmation message with a link to the email you provided, through which you will be able to monitor the progress of the process.

C. Resubmission of article(s) with revisions after the review

After the review process is complete and you are asked for corrections:

You will be sent an informative email with the result of the review(s). In order to view it, go to the main menu of the Conference page and click on the "Submissions" field or on the notification that will emerge on the top right of the platform home page.

Your list of submissions ("Assignments") will appear. Click on the "View" field. The "Review" tab will open, where you will find the file with the reviewers' comments.

Make the necessary corrections according to the reviewers' comments.

In the "Review" tab, select "Upload File" from the "Revisions" field. In the "Article Information" field, click on "Article Text". Upload the revised (corrected) text. Then, select "Continue" and "Finish". The resubmission is now complete. You will not receive a confirmation email again.


The corrected text must be submitted in the above way and not by a new submission. Also, to make the final submission you must use the original article code that was automatically assigned to the article on the platform during the initial submission.

In case of acceptance of the article for publication either from the beginning or after corrections, as well as in case of rejection, you will automatically receive an informative email.

You can download the reviewers' evaluation form here and study the evaluation criteria before submitting your paper. 

OpenAIRE Metadata: If your work is the result of funding from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 project, you must fill in this field with the grant agreement number. This will allow the publication to be available in the European open access repository, which gives access to all publications funded by the EU.

Supporting Οrganisations: We recommend filling in this field if the article is the result of a specific grant, a European project or a private research funder (e.g. European Commission or the Latsis Foundation).


Theoretical papers, original research, scientific articles

Privacy Statement

The full names as well as the e-mail addresses entered on the Conference Website are used solely for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of this Conference. The Conference as the Data Controller of the personal data collected as defined by the relevant legislation and specifically in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 must comply with the obligations arising from national and European legislation on personal data protection and implement the privacy and data protection policy of