The use of the interactive whiteboard in the distance education

Published: Jun 9, 2016
distance education interactive whiteboard
Ανδριάνα Σταθοπούλου
Ειρήνη Γεωργιάδη
Άννα Κόκκαλη
This paper has the aim to investigate the use of the interactive whiteboard as means for the aid of the training process in the distance education. For the achievement of this objective, a detailed bibliographic examination has become in the recent international and Greek bibliography and there were located some characteristical examples of use of the interactive whiteboard for the aims of distance education. The results of this examination showed that the interactive whiteboard can support significantly the distance education, through the organisation of videoconferences and distance courses that promote the collaboration between the remoted students, their interaction and their active attendance. Through the apposition of examples of distance integration of the interactive whiteboard in the secondary and third degree of education it appeared that independently from the level of education, the interactive whiteboard can constitute an important tool for the effective incorporation of all the students in the educational process.
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