Profile of a Fully Online Unit in an Australian Arts and Education Faculty

Jonathan GOULD

Australia’s leading distance education provider, Deakin University, has a policy to ensure all graduates in most courses must successfully complete at least one wholly online unit. Historically, all distance education at Deakin University has been undertaken solely in print. Off-campus students normally receive a Set Text, a series of additional photocopied readings and a Study Guide providing assistance on how to navigate through each weekly topic. Some fully online units currently offered by the University replicate this approach, even though a distinct pedagogy is needed to ensure wholly online units truly enhance student learning.

This paper outlines the approach we adopted in developing AIX 391 – Work Transitions in the 21st Century, a wholly online unit designed to improve the capacity of Arts and Education students to identify viable career paths after they have graduated. The paper outlines the unit’s rationale and development over a two-year period in adopting a student-centred approach to enhance learning outcomes, while exposing students to new and often challenging online technologies. The paper also highlights results from the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning surveys, which ranked the unit in the top 5% of all Arts and Education faculty units offered in Semester 2, 2008.

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Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα
Jonathan GOULD, Deakin University (Burwood, Victoria)