1981: First Symposium on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeology and Art, Recent Finds - Recent Research

Published: 2016-05-07

Programme and Communications΄ Abstracts. Athens. April 28-30, 1981. Great Hall of the Archaeological Society. 22, Panepistimiou Ave. Organizing and Coordinating Commitee: Myrtali ACHEIMASTOU-POTAMIANOU (Association of Greek Archaeologists); Panayotis VOCOTOPOULOS (University of Thessaloniki); Nikolaos DRANDAKIS (University of Athens); Nikolaos ZIAS (Ministry of Culture and Sciences; Archaeological Services); Pavlos LAZARIDIS (Treasurer of Christian Archaeological Society); Charalambos BOURAS (General Secretary of Christian Archaeological Society); Stella PAPADAKI-OEKLAND (University of Crete); Theano CHATZIDAKI-BAHARA (University of Ioannina). Printing: Athens 1981.