Museum educators' views and practices about inquiry: A case study

Πρακτικά Εκτεταμένων Συνόψεων Εργασιών
Published: Sep 20, 2023
inquiry science teaching museum educators’ views and practices
Maria Karnezou
Vasilis Tselfes
Petros Kariotoglou

In the following text, we present the results from the analysis of the data we gathered when studying the research-related views and practices of a museum educator, who implements educational programs for school groups at NOESIS. The analysis was done with the help of a theoretical model, which represents the dynamics of the relationships that emerge between the teaching-learning practices and the related views of the museum educators. The aim is to identify some patterns in the sequences of views and practices, as well as to evaluate the potential of the theoretical model to identify them in non-formal educational settings. 

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