Symposium: Relationships between inquiry views and practices in Science Education: Theoretical approach and applications

Petros Kariotoglou
Vasilis Tselfes

In this symposium we propose a theoretical model to study the links between inquiry-based science views and practices in order to point out common features of these links and ultimately make use of them in teachers’ professional development.

In the first theoretically based paper, “Views and practices: theoretical approach and methodological control of their relationships”, Tselfes, V., Zoupidis, A., Tsaliki, Ch., Karnezou, M., & Kariotoglou, P. address the way a theoretical model was developed which can represent the dynamics of the relationships that emerge between teaching-learning practices and related views of the human agents involved in the educational process. It is a pragmatist-cultural model, which claims that views trigger practices, practices transform or reproduce views in the short term, while the possibility of a long-term transformation is limited and requires persistent and long-term implementation of the practices.

In the second paper, “Initiation and conceptualization of inquiry practices during the initial education of pre-service early childhood teachers: a case study”, Zoupidis, A., Tselfes, V., & Kariotoglou, P. study the patterns of initiating and conceptualizing the teaching practices of a pre-service early childhood teacher who attended a semester class about inquiry driven science.

In the third paper, “Change of teachers’ inquiry driven views and practices during a professional development course: a case study”, Tsaliki, Chr., Tselfes, V., & Kariotoglou, P. study (as a case study) the patterns of a teacher’s practices who attended a long-term professional development course that addressed novel inquiry-based features in science education.

In the fourth paper, “Museum educators’ views and practices about inquiry: a case study”, Karnezou, M., Tselfes, V., & Kariotoglou, P. present the outcomes of the data analysis when they studied inquiry driven views and practices of a museum educator who designs and implements educational programs for school groups at NOESIS.

Common target of the three case studies is both to clarify the potential of the theoretical model, we developed, to detect teaching practices’ patterns and extract conclusions we can build on in teachers’ training.

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