Self-efficacy of early childhood and primary school teachers in teaching marine sciences issues

Πρακτικά Εκτεταμένων Συνόψεων Εργασιών
Published: Sep 24, 2023
Ocean literacy Self-efficacy Teachers
Antonis Kantis
Athanasios Mogias
As the signs of disruption in the relationship between man and the marine environment become more and more pronounced, the role of the teacher is further highlighted nowadays. The present study, conducted on a sample of 40 Kindergarten and Primary School teachers through a semi-structured interview, attempts to portray their self-efficacy in teaching marine science issues. The results show incomplete cognitive and pedagogical competencies, and a series of factors that need to be modified or further cultivated are highlighted, both on the teachers’ part and the part of the school culture, the students, their families and the local community towards a sustainable marine environment.
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