Innovation through i2Flex: The Transformation of a Classic in the Humanities Program

Δημοσιευμένα: Nov 1, 2015
i2Flex blended learning interdisciplinary humanities
Kathleen Jasonides
Janet Karvouniaris
Amalia Zavacopoulou
Innovative since its inception, the ACS Honors Humanities program has a long history of more than 40 years as an interdisciplinary team-taught course that examines essential questions through literature, visual and performing arts, philosophy and history.  This innovative approach has continued to motivate successive teaching teams to modify and enhance a program that challenges students academically, utilizing the best possible resources and taking advantage of new technology. In this article, we present one in-depth case study where we explain how we transformed the Honors Humanities course from Face To Face to i2Flex. We will describe and present examples of how we redesigned the course format and presentation, learning activities and assessment. We present data on student feedback and our findings regarding the benefits and challenges of adopting the i2Flex methodology for this course.
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