Το South Aegean Future Lab, ο ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός και οι προκλήσεις ως προϋπόθεση επιτυχούς εφαρμογής

Αλιβίζος Σοφός
Απόστολος Κώστας
Ευθυμία Σαλτίδου
Φεβρωνία Ρουσάκη
Φίλιππος Τζόρτζογλου
Χρυσή Βιτσιλάκη

The article presents the framework for the creation of the South Aegean Future Lab, outlines the philosophy and the organization that governs it and focuses on key issues that are considered crucial for its operation. First, theoretical schemes and models are presented that explain how universities are interconnected with education, business and cultural institutions and, more specifically, their contribution to digital transformation at the local level. Subsequently, the vision and mode of operation of the South Aegean Future Lab as a digital knowledge and innovation center with the aim of supporting local/regional businesses, cultural institutions and the educational community in their digital transformation is presented. Finally, the article concludes with the codification of important conditions and consequent practices that have been identified by the comparative analysis of structures, conditions and practices of other corresponding Labs from the international field. This analysis is of particular importance, since the creation of modern structures is not a sufficient condition for success, if important practices are not considered and functionally integrated into the CFLs.

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