Ο Ρόλος του Ψηφιακού Μετασχηματισμού και της Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού στην Περιφερειακή Αυτοδιοίκηση: Η περίπτωση της Περιφέρειας Πελοποννήσου

Published: Sep 4, 2024
Digital Transformation E-Government Digital Skills Human Resources
Βασιλική Τζαβέλλα
Αθηνά Λαζακίδου

The Digital Transformation of the Public Sector is a topical issue that increasingly concerns governments as technology develops at a rapid pace and penetrates more and more into the everyday life of citizens (Rigopoulos, 2017). Electronic governance is an essential opportunity for radical digital transformation for the Public Administration (Spinellis et al., 2018).  In addition, the need to improve the digital skills of citizens as well as public sector workers for more effective public digital services is emerging (Spinellis et al., 2021). The purpose of this study is to examine the transition of Public Administration to the digital age in relation to the main recipients, the administrative employees.  More specifically, and because until now there is very limited recording in the area of ​​Local Self-Government of the second degree in the Peloponnese with the geographical peculiarities and regional inequalities that govern it, the role of Digital Transformation and Human Resources Management in Regional Self-Government and in particular in Region of Peloponnese, is investigated. Quantitative research was conducted through the collection of data based on a structured questionnaire, based on the literature review, in five sub-concepts regarding the research questions. For the selection of the sample, the method of simple random sampling was followed. The research aims to evaluate the employee satisfaction with the actions of the Peloponnese Region for its digital modernization regarding specific conditions that were set (Human Resources, Partnerships and Resources, Administrative Procedures, Digital Skills), the degree of employee satisfaction with the training programs learning the new information systems and improving the efficiency and productivity of its employees, as well as whether the conditions are ripe in the Peloponnese Region for the effective and efficient implementation of digital tools that upgrade the digital skills of its employees. From the analysis of the results, we are led to conclusions about the convergence of the evaluation of the employees in the statement of their satisfaction regarding the conditions for the digital transformation of the Organization with a parallel study of the correlation between the above four conditions of digital modernization and proposals for further research are formulated.

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