O ρόλος του διευθυντή στη διοίκηση επιχειρήσεων/ οργανισμών: Η περίπτωση των μονάδων ιδιωτικής δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης

Μαρία Μαλαγκονιάρη
Κλεοπάτρα Ντέλιου

A country's education is largely based on the educational units’ administration and management, which are required to monitor and measure, periodically, their efficiency, effectiveness, productivity as well as other relevant performance indicators in order to meet the demands of modern society.

As a rule, the headmasters’ lifelong education, as the head of the school, implies his/ her continuous improvement. Based on this, the object of this research is to investigate the characteristics that define an efficient and effective manager in the context of the business/organization he/she manages.

Because one of the main goals of education is to contribute to the all-round, harmonious and balanced development of the intellectual and psychosomatic functions of the students, this research shows that both the sound administration and the coordination of resources (human, materials, techniques) and the functions that support the educational process.

Keywords: Headmaster, Management, Private Education, Secondary Education.

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