Οργάνωση, διοίκηση, διεύθυνση και ηγεσία των εκπαιδευτικών οργανισμών

Θεόδωρος Κωνσταντινίδης

The school units, as is clear, differ in terms of their function but also their structure, in relation not only to the private sector but also to the rest of the public organizations, because it is a separate institution of our society. The school has a dual role to play. On the one hand the role of the public organization and on the other the role of the social institution (Bouradas, 2005). In the Greek reality, the bureaucratic organization of the school prevails (Katsaros, 2008). This means that the weight of leadership is given to the simple fulfillment of obligations and not to the vision for the organization and the effort for innovative actions. The centralized central management system of school units reduces the possibility of autonomy for managers and teachers and weakens the effective management of the school unit. It acts as a deterrent to implementing leadership practices that emphasize transformation and innovation. A negative factor is also the lack of training and proper training of the principals in matters of leadership and management of the school unit. In this background, administrative leadership is described as a practice of achieving the results, goals and purposes of the educational unit. In addition, Behn (1998) considers that the exercise of leadership is imposed in the field of educational administration in order to contribute to the correction of its imperfections, while the management of individual departments and processes is part of it.

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