Leadership of educational organizations, styles and characteristics

Θεόδωρος Κωνσταντινίδης

The continuous changes at the socio-political level in the modern era that we are going through requires a school that is open, flexible and able to cope with new challenges creatively, so that it, in turn, feeds back to society with members ready to adapt and offer effectively to the new goals that modern reality articulates. The leader assigned to direct an educational organization, a school unit must have clear and achievable goals resulting from the vision that he jointly co-shapes with the teachers, helping them to develop as people and as professionals, so as to cope with the future demands of a competitive school. The involvement of teachers in shaping the vision together with the principal is what will give them impetus and motivation to work with greater zeal (Fildler, 1996; Middlewood, 2010). must constantly monitor the course of their implementation and, of course, evaluate at the end whether they have been successful or not. Communication and cooperation in the school unit is a key component of its effectiveness and efficiency. The manager communicates ideas and plans on the basis of which short-term or long-term goals will be realized (Bush, 2008, Fildler, 1996). educational organizations (Duignan, 1994). In the era of continuous changes and developments, in which knowledge becomes obsolete at the same speed as it is created, the coordination of all actions and the control of those involved in the operation of a school unit, are a big bet for the achievement of goals. The role of the manager with quality characteristics is of pivotal importance in achieving the above purpose.

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