Διερεύνηση προτάσεων εργαζομένων για ζητήματα επίλυσης συγκρούσεων στις Τοπικές Ομάδες Υγείας και η αναγκαιότητα της δια βίου εκπαίδευσης

Published: Sep 4, 2024
Community Health Center lifelong learning education Εmotional Ιntelligence Conflicts
Ευθυμία Χατζηδημητρίου
Σωτηρία Τριαντάρη
Μαργαρίτα Αιμιλία Γκανάτσιου

The purpose of the presentation is to explore the views of the employees of the Community Health Centers of the 3rd Health Region on the resolution of conflicts and to highlight the necessity of lifelong learning to avoid them. A primary, quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative research was conducted using the reliable and valid questionnaires of Tengilimoglu and Kisa and Wong and Law. 143 employees participated in the survey, mainly women, married, 26-45 years old, Doctors, Nurses, and administrative staff. Merit management of personnel, division of labor, and immediate recruitment of personnel of all specialties in all departments will reduce conflicts in the workplace. Staff training in emotional intelligence is expected to contribute positively to the creation of a peaceful working environment in the structures. The results can be used for critical reflection by the administration but also as an enrichment of knowledge in dealing with conflicts.

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